Tuesday, July 10, 2012

AICTE to establish one research park in each state

The All India Council for Technical Education has announced that it will help set-up research parks, one in each state, to promote research across industries. 
“The council would provide Rs 1 crore as seed money, while industry would have to provide a matching grant for the parks, to be set up on premises of an Institution, at least in a 3,000 square foot area,” said AICTE Chairman S S Mantha. 
“AICTE wanted such parks in every state, and the industry can form a cluster and do extensive research on their needs with the assistance of the selected institutions,” he added. 
Mantha said that in order to restore quality in higher education sector, there is a need to create a curriculum so that the sectors, higher education and industry, grow together to achieve the desired quality. 
Nandhini Rangaswamy, chairperson, Education Forum, CII Southern Region, said the industry chamber, in partnership with AICTE, has launched a survey of industry linkages of engineering institutes. 
Engineering institutes and engineering departments of the universities in six streams of Chemical, civil, computer and IT, electrical, electronics and communication and mechanical engineering are eligible to take part in the survey, she said. 
[Source: Zee News]

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

AICTE invites email complaints against colleges

The All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) has invited stakeholders and outsiders to file a complaint against any technical education institution indulging in any wrongdoing via Email.
Any complaint or grievance regarding any institution or about the visit of experts assigned with specific tasks pertaining to the institutions can be brought to the notice of the AICTE through emails at aictevigilance@gmail.com.
According to AICTE officials, the vigilance awareness move will enable the governing body to have eyes at the grassroots, as well as get direct access to information that the institutions will never part with on their own.
“The AICTE aims to ensure that institutions function as per the norms and guidelines that they have undertaken to follow at the time of getting an approval. Often, institutions tend to find loopholes and bend the rules to their convenience. These transgressions are not brought to the AICTE’s notice until there is some major issue or disagreement between the institution and the students, staff or stakeholders,” said the official.
“This step has a dual effect. While on the one hand it will help us keep a tab on the functioning of the institutions, on the other it will also work as an avenue for feedback about the various initiatives that the AICTE undertakes to improve the condition of the students,” added the official.
[Source: Asian Age]

Friday, April 20, 2012

AICTE to launch academic website, job portal, research repository

In a first of its kind initiative, the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) will soon be launching academic networking site, along with a job portal and a repository of doctorate papers to check duplication and cheating.
The academic networking site proposes to interconnect 7.5 million students enrolled across AICTE-approved institutions linked through email IDs. The site will also have faculty and industry stakeholders on its database.
“The idea is to encourage academic networking and facilitate peer learning. That faculty will be accessible on this network, and help with course material, share charts, diagrams, data and projects that can aid learning, will make this an altogether knowledge building mechanism,” said the chairman of AICTE, SS Mantha.
The apex technical educational regulator is also working on ‘Project Factory’ - a repository aimed at capturing abstracts of all post graduate projects in an online bank. This data will be available to industry stakeholders and research labs so that those interested can easily contact the student concerned and take it forward.
“It will also help us check large-scale cheating and cut-copy-paste jobs that are seen in a number of research papers. A search engine on Project Factory will be able to quickly throw up abstracts of research works of interest to anyone,” Mantha added.
Meanwhile, in order to help students in gaining employment, AICTE will also put in place a job portal that proposes to store every student’s semester-wise results online and link it with his CV. This CV will automatically be forwarded to industry HRD heads whenever there is a vacancy suited to the student. This portal will be linked with an industry database of 8,000 stakeholders.
[Source: Indian Express]

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

AICTE signed an MOU with Microsoft: Download Software

AICTE, through an MOU with Microsoft, has now made it simple for students in India to access Microsoft’s development and designer tools through the AICTE portal http://www.aicte-india.org/bfreedownloadsms.html Here the student needs to enter name and college details and avail an ACCESS KEY. Using this access key student can download software such as Visual Studio 2011, Visual Studio 2010, Expression Studio 4, Windows Server 8 (Beta), Windows Server 2008 and other software from www.dreamspark.com

Read more: http://www.lislinks.com#ixzz1sHXtmMuL